Bristol weighs up plan to sell land worth £70m

17/06/10 4:51 pm By Nick Johnstone

Bristol City Council is weighing up plans to sell up to £70m of council-owned land for development.

The council has earmarked around 48ha of land in the city as part of its Area Green Space Plan, which went to consultation on Monday.

It is seeking public views on whether to sell the 62 sites, which are mainly small pockets of land, for development. The money would then be used to fund a 20-year investment in the city’s parks and open spaces.

Local people have until October to put forward suggestions for future uses of sites.

The council has produced a second strategy, called Site Allocations and Development Management Options, which identifies sites in the city that could help to deliver the growth in homes, jobs, community services, cultural and sports facilities up to 2026. That is also now under consultation.

Councillor Anthony Negus, cabinet member for strategic housing and regeneration, said: “Over the next 20 years Bristol will face competing demands for land to meet a whole range of needs.

“These include the need for land to accommodate new homes;  new businesses, shops and, of course, open space. What the Site Allocations and Development Management Options document does, is present a set of proposals that we can consult people on.

“Bristol is a great city which is continuing to build an international profile and what we want to do is get the right proposals in place so that in the future we can continue to preserve what’s best and to meet the changing needs here.

“It is a very detailed document, but it has been helpfully broken down into 14 geographical areas covering the 14 Neighbourhood Partnerships so that people will be able to see just what is being proposed for their community. ”

To view the detail of which sites could be sold, click here

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