Documents and data

Up-to-date documents from government, advisers and other public sector bodies

Countdown to IFRS report by Audit Commission
19/02/10 12:10 pm

What it is: Local government auditor the Audit Commission has published a report called Countdown to IFRS: Implementation in Local Government about the changes to International Financial Reporting Standards that councils must implement this year.
When it came out: 19 February 2010
Why it is important: It says that only one in seven councils is on track to comply with the IFRS changes that come into effect on 1 April 2010. It reports that problems reporting the value of buildings and leases are the biggest for councils.
To read the full report click …

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Responsive Planning Practices for Changing Economic Times
11/02/10 4:51 pm

What it is: The Advisory Team for Large Applications (ATLAS) has published guidance for local planners on strategies to get more money from developers on schemes where financial viability is a problem.
When it was published: January 2010
Why it is important: During the recession, the number of stalled schemes has inevitably risen. Planners need advice on how to use their planning powers to help get important developments off the ground.
Simon Prescott, partner at planning consultant Barton Willmore, says: ““The document underlines the need for local authorities to take the issue of …

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Government response to CIL consultation
10/02/10 11:36 am

What it is: The government has released its response to its consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy, which it wants to use instead of section 106 agreements as the way local councils can raise money for local improvements.
When it came out: 10 February 2010.
Why it is important: The government has included a significant change that exempts almost all affordable housing and social housing development from CIL, which is due to come into force on 6 April 2010.
To read the full consultation response click here: Community Infrastructure Levy – response to …

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Barton Willmore briefings on PPS4
3/02/10 4:32 pm

What it is: On 29 December 2009, the government published its revised Plannning Policy Statement 4 on town centre planning. PPS4 introduces new tests for planners and removes existing tests. Planning consultant Barton Willmore has published two briefings on the policy.
When it came out: 3 February 2010
Why it is important: Under PPS4, planners have much tougher criteria against which they must assess developments. Key policies include the use of a sequential test – where development in an area must be done in the sequence of which sites the councils want …

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OGC scheme Small Supplier, Big Opportunity
1/02/10 5:01 pm

What it is: The Office of Government Commence (OGC) has launched an awareness campaign to promote better access for smaller firms to the £220 billion worth of contract opportunities awarded by the public sector each year.
One part of this is new guidance called Small Supplier, Big Opportunity: Flagging your contracts to SMEs. It hopes to show how the public sector can make it easier for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to find contract they can bid for.
When it was published: 1 February 2010
Why it is important: Authorities procuring property …

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1/02/10 11:15 am

What it is: KPMG has published a report called The Changing Face of Infrastructure, in which 70% of public sector officials questioned said that lack of funding was the biggest challenge for infrastructure in the UK.
When it came out: 1 February 2010
Why it is important: The report, commissioned by KPMG and carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sums up the big challenges facing regeneration schemes at the start of the 2010. A slow planning process and government ineffectiveness are also major obstacles.
To read the full report click here: KPMG_Changing …

Good Government: Reforming Parliament
27/01/10 6:41 pm

What it is: The Better Government Initiative – a group of senior civil servants – has launched a report criticising the way government comes up with policy.
When it came out: 27 January 2010
Why it is important: The report criticises the government for making policies as reactions to media stories rather than to meet long-term aims. The 56-page report Good Government: Reforming Parliament and the Executive says the constant stream of policies is confusing.
To read the full report click here: Good Government report

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Carbon Reduction Commitment legislation
22/01/10 4:55 pm

What it is: Legislation for the Carbon Reduction Commitment – now called the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme – have been laid before Parliament. The Department for Energy and Climate Change is leading the way on CRC, which is due to come into effect in April.
When it came out: 22 January 2010
Why it is important: The Carbon Reduction Commitment is due to become law on 1 April 2010. Businesses that use at least 5,000 MWh of energy each year, measured on half-hourly meters, are due to be covered by the emissions …

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National Audit Office report on Decent Homes
21/01/10 10:04 am

What it is: The Decent Homes Programme is a strategy brought in at the beginning of the decade to raise the standards of all social housing in the UK through the Department for Communities and Local Government. This is report by the National Audit Office (NAO) to evaluate its success.
When it came out: 21 January 2009
Why it is important: The NAO, the body that audits government, has produced this report to review progress of Decent Homes and assess whether value for money is being delivered. It shows that although over …

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19/01/10 3:59 pm

What it is: Government department Communities and Local Government has published new research by Kingston University about the number of councils under threat from ‘garden grabbing’ developers building on former garden land.
When it came out: 19 January 2010
Why it is important: CLG says that only 5% of local authorities have planning policies in place to guard against ‘garden grabbing’ even though almost 50% say they see it as a problem in their area. This research goes into more detail about the scale of the problem.
To read the full research click …