RICS Local Authority Asset Management guides
What it is: The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has produced a series of guides – called RICS Best Practice – for local authorities on how to manage their assets effectively.
When it came out: 29 June 2009
Why it is important: The guides explain the key policy areas that need to be considered by local authorities, such as: transfer of assets; value for money; measuring asset performance and improving the customer’s experience.
Click below to download the guides:
RICS Best Practice Introduction – Sustainable Communities And Asset Management
RICS Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines
RICS Best Practice 353 01 Transfer Assets
RICS Best Practice 353 02 Making_Right_Choices
RICS Best Practice 353_03_Value_For_Money
RICS Best Practice 353_04_Measuring_Asset_Management
RICS Best Practice 353_05_Improving_Customer_Exp
RICS Best Practice 353_06_Tenanted_Non_Res_Prop
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