Watchdog launches IFRS property tips
The Audit Commission has today published guidance on accounting for fixed assets under International Financial Reporting Standards.
The briefing, which is called Countdown to IFRS: Accounting for non-current assets, explains what problems could arise from IFRS for property professionals in the public sector.
In February, the Audit Commission’s deputy chairman Bharat Shah announced that nearly 25% of local authority auditors had expressed concerns about the quality or timeliness of financial information delivered for audit.
He said: “Local government does have a reputation for meeting deadlines despite the odds. But under IFRS for 2009-11 in particular, such an approach will carry significantly more risk.”
The Audit Commission’s briefing explains hurdles arising from the following technical issues:
- potential reclassification implications;
- valuation of property, plant and equipment;
- componentisation;
- impairment of assets;
- intangible assets; and
- government and non-government grants.
To read the full report, click here: Countdown To IFRS: Accounting for non-current assets
- Countdown to IFRS report by Audit Commission
- Councils face property accounting problems
- Q&A: How does IFRS affect how I do my job?
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