Manchester awards £90m town hall revamp contract

6/08/10 9:40 am By Nick Johnstone

Manchester City Council has awarded a £90m contract to Laing O’Rourke for the  redevelopment of its town hall complex.

The Hulme-based firm has won the construction contract to refurbish the Town Hall Extension, Central Library and St Peter’s Square, which will involve preserving listing buildings while improving services to the public.

The main job is to create an “integrated” customer service centre, meaning people will be able to access every council service in one visit to a single building. This is expected to be completed in three years’ time.

The contract also involves  bringing more energy efficiency to the town hall extension and central library buildings in a bid to help reduce Manchester’s total carbon emissions by 41% by 2020.

Councillor Bernard Priest, executive member for finance and human resources, said: “The importance of this project to Manchester residents cannot be overstated. It is firmly focused on providing them with better services while giving them a world-class civic complex which they can be proud of for years to come.

“Throughout this process we have chosen bids which provide the best combination of value for money and quality but it’s particularly pleasing that the best bid came from a Manchester company and that our investment will support and create jobs right here and have knock-on benefits for other local contractors.”

Laing O’Rourke project director Harold Rostron said that the company aims to ensure that a fifth or more of jobs created through the project go to Manchester residents.

He said: “As a Manchester-based business with decades of experience delivering important buildings for and in this city, we are extremely proud to have been chosen to transform the jewels in Manchester’s crown.

“Community and regeneration are central to our approach, and we understand that this is more important now than ever. We are aiming to create at least one new job for every five on this project; it is an opportunity to ensure Manchester people benefit from learning, skills-development and employment.”

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