Blog: Nick Jopling on the HCA after Kerslake

8/09/10 2:46 pm By Public Opinion

Congratulations are in order for Sir Bob Kerslake after he landed himself a very senior role in Whitehall.

The position of permanent secretary is a prestigious one. While his profile will be more subdued than was required of him at the Homes and Communities Agency, his influence should be significant.

His announcement alone proves the point with Sir Gus O’Donnell, the man himself, stating: “[Sir Bob] will bring a wealth of experience and credibility to the role, driving forward the new Government’s agenda for devolution of power and autonomy to local councils and neighbourhoods.”

No doubt.

Looking back to the days of the HCA’s inception, I recall people in the know exclaiming: “The HCA requires real, effective leadership” and “With the right leadership, the HCA could bring focus and direction to housing and regeneration in the UK”.

I think Sir Bob has delivered. He’s managed to make some real headway despite the enormous undercurrent pulling him off course – economic meltdown, housing crisis, and the general election.

As a believer in the private rented sector, the initiative Sir Bob led within six months of his tenure was impressive. It may have been overpromised and had its critics but Berkeley’s entry into the Private Rented Sector Initiative, announced last week, is a welcome signal and must have been welcome parting gift for Sir Bob.

So what of the HCA now?

Many are betting on its demise in the forthcoming spending review, but housing provision is critically important, particularly affordable housing. As many people know, I include private rental since it provides houses to people that can’t afford to buy. In other words, it’s affordable housing.

To ensure housing is addressed we need both an advocate and an agency. We have a senior advocate in Kerslake, but we will continue to need an agency. That will apply whatever the spending review’s outcome.


Nick Jopling is property director at Grainger

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