Documents and data
Up-to-date documents from government, advisers and other public sector bodies
What it is: Communities and Local Government is consulting on making all of the Ordnance Survey’s geographic mapping data free to access.
When it came out: 23 December 2009
Why it is important: CLG wants to make Ordnance Survey data available free-of-charge, as the government set out in Putting the Frontline First: Smarter Government. The aim is to help decision-making by local councils. It is due to close consultation on 17 March 2010.
To read the read consultation click here: CLG consultation on Ordnance Survey data
What it is: On 20 December 2009, the Remedies Directive became UK law. Law firm Davies Arnold Cooper has released a briefing note on its impact.
When it came out: 21 December 2009
Why it is important: The Remedies Directive is part of the Official Journal of the European Union procurement process that gives losing bidders more power to challenge contracts awarded by public sector bodies.
To read the full briefing click here: Remedies Directive – Davies Arnold Cooper
What it is: Berwin Leighton Paisner has published a survey that shows developers do not find planners the biggest delay to their schemes in the current market.
When it came out: 18 December 2009
Why it is important: The survey Real Estate Developments – Viability in the Current Market shows the relationship between developers and planners is better than it is often portrayed.
More than half of planners, for example, felt that developers understand the pressures on them. And developers said that difficulties with funding and prelets were a bigger hindrance to their …
What it is: The National Audit Office has reported that the government does not have an adequate strategy in its £1.1bn plan to regenerate ex-coalfields.
When it came out: 17 December 2009
Why it is important: The auditor warns that public sector spending cuts could de-rail efforts to regenerate coalfields regions after 2011, and that the current strategy for the regeneration of coalfields is not adequate.
To read the full report click here: Regenerating the English Coalfields
What it is: Putting the Frontline First: Smarter Government is the government’s strategy for finding £3bn of efficiency savings by streamlining the civil service.
When it came out: 7 December 2009
Why it is important: The third chapter of the report, ‘Streamline central government for sharper delivery’, outlines ways in which government is looking to manage its assets more efficiently. It proposes:
Selling off property assets as part of the Operational Efficiency Programme (OEP), to raise up to £16bn
Moving civil service offices out of expensive London and southeast locations
Improving the working practices of …
What it is: The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has produced a series of guides – called RICS Best Practice – for local authorities on how to manage their assets effectively.
When it came out: 29 June 2009
Why it is important: The guides explain the key policy areas that need to be considered by local authorities, such as: transfer of assets; value for money; measuring asset performance and improving the customer’s experience.
Click below to download the guides:
RICS Best Practice Introduction – Sustainable Communities And Asset Management
RICS Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines
What it is: Government watchdog the Audit Commission has published Room for Improvement, a lukewarm assessment of progress in public sector property management since the last significant study in 2000.
When it came out: 17 June 2009
Why it is important: It finds “room for improvement” in the management of public sector assets. It says while some councils are on top of their property portfolios, only one in 14 councils is an exemplary manager of its assets.
According to the report, the recession is an opportunity for councils to prepare plans for using …
What it is: The Killian Pretty Review of Planning – which was named after authors Joanna Killian and David Pretty – which recommended changes to speed up the planning system.
When it came out: 24 November 2008
Why it is important: The review published many recommendations on how to change the planning system. It is an important document that has informed subsequent debate about how this can be done best.
To read the full report click here: Killian Pretty Review
What it is: Towards Better Management of Public Sector Assets is a report published by Sir Michael Lyons describing opportunities to make up to £30bn savings by managing assets more efficiently, including relocating government departments to outside London and the South East.
When it came out: December 2004
Why it is important: This report was published in the wake of The Lyons Review, which was published in March 2004. It finds that despite progress in finding surplus assets, property managers are still failing to act strategically enough.
To view the full report, click …